How To Apply
Application Process for Semester & Year Away
Semester and year-long off-campus study is generally open to sophomores, juniors, and fall-semester seniors. In addition to meeting the application requirements of the program you are applying to, you must also be in good academic and disciplinary standing at CC, and obtain your academic advisor's approval to study off-campus through the Summit application processes. Students who are currently on academic or judicial probation may not be eligible to study off-campus. Other important eligibility requirements are discussed in detail here.
Studying off-campus always requires an application completed in Summit by our posted deadlines, and if you are applying for a partner program outside of CC, you will also need to complete their application for admission, in addition to the CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval in Summit. You can access the Center for Global Education & Field Study's Summit portal using your CC login. Once you've identified your top-choice program that best meets your academic goals for off-campus study, and have met with your academic advisor, you are ready to start the application process.
This includes all programs run through an external partner or university, listed on our catalog of semester & year away programs.
All students participating in one of these programs will complete two applications--the CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval on Summit, as well as the program-specific application for admission to the ONE top-choice program you are applying for (found on the program's website).
You can apply in any order (Summit application, partner program application) but be aware that the final step of most partner program applications is that we (CC Global Education) have to submit an approval form on your behalf saying you are approved to do this program and in good standing at CC. We cannot complete any forms for your program until you have been approved through the CC Internal Application in Summit, so please plan accordingly.
When completing the "Duration of Leave" section on your CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval, please make sure you list all Blocks 1-4 if you are participating in a Fall semester program, list all Blocks 5-8 if you are participating in a Spring semester program, and list all Blocks 1-8 if you are participating in a full year-long program.
Even if the calendar of the academic system you are studying abroad in runs over different dates than the CC calendar (for example, a Southern Hemisphere program where the semester runs from February to June, or July to November, or a program in the UK that doesn't begin until October), you still must list the full semester away. You will be earning that full semester (or year) of your credit abroad, and will be coded at CC as being away on an approved study abroad leave for the complete CC semester or academic year. Because students earn their full credit for the semester while abroad/away, it is not possible to register for any on-campus blocks during that same semester, even if the calendar of the semester abroad/away would allow them to complete the course before departure or after return.
If you need to order a transcript to send to the program you are applying for, it is your responsibility to request that and complete the release form through the Registrar's Office website. Similarly, if your partner program is asking where to send your final transcript upon program completion, that is also handled through the Registrar's Office, who manages and processes all things transcript-related.
Any approval forms (sometimes called Home School Nomination, Advisor Approval, Study Abroad Office Recommendation, etc) that your program requires that CC submit on your behalf can only be completed after you successfully complete the CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval, and are approved for off-campus study via Summit, so that is your first step. You can request those forms be sent to/completed by Heather Powell Browne, Assistant Director of Global Education, at
When to apply?
In general, students complete the CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval at the beginning of the semester prior to the one that you wish to be studying off-campus, if not earlier. You should start working on the partner program application, if required, as soon as possible when the Summit application opens up, regardless of when the program lists their application deadlines. Some programs have very early deadlines for the program application itself, as early as December or January, for the following year. Always make sure to check the program's website directly to make sure you are within their deadlines as well as CC's.
Students interested in a CC-Approved Partner Program semester must apply to both through the program provider and through Colorado College in order to transfer credit. The application deadlines for each partner or program may vary, but the CC Internal Application dates are fixed for each semester:
For Fall Semester/Full Academic Year Away:
- STEP ONE: CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval opens on November 1 and should be completed in Summit by March 15 at the latest, for the following fall semester/upcoming academic year. Early application is strongly encouraged. Late applications are not allowed.
- STEP TWO: Complete the partner program's application. This can be done prior to, simultaneous with, or immediately following submission of the CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval in Summit. We recommend completing this step as early as possible, as many partner programs admit on a rolling basis and may fill to capacity well before their advertised deadlines.
- STEP THREE: Following acceptance by the partner organization or program, you must record your decision of "Confirm" or "Cancel" on your corresponding CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval in Summit by May 1, or as soon as you have decided for sure to participate.
For Spring Semester Away:
- STEP ONE: Complete the CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval in Summit by October 15 for the following spring semester. Early application is strongly encouraged. Late applications are not allowed.
- STEP TWO: Complete the partner program's application. This can be done prior to, simultaneous with, or immediately following submission of the CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval in Summit. We recommend completing this step as early as possible, as many partner programs admit on a rolling basis and may fill to capacity well before their advertised deadlines.
- STEP THREE: Following acceptance by the partner organization or program, you must record your decision of "Confirm" or "Cancel" on your corresponding CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval in Summit by December 1, or as soon as you have decided for sure to participate.
If you meet the program's requirements and apply early in the application cycle, you will likely not need a backup program. If you think you may need to consider a backup program, please set up a time to meet with Heather Powell Browne in Global Education, to discuss your best path forward.
If for any reason you do not get in to your first choice program, we will work with you to submit a second CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval and cancel the first one you submitted; be in touch with us to discuss this process.
Participation in Multiple Programs Close Together
It is possible to participate in a combination of semester away and blocks away during the same academic year or calendar year, however, there may be visa considerations which limit the viability of joining multiple programs too close together.
While many travelers are able to visit our program destination countries short-term without a visa, and many partner-led semesters away include a student visa specifically covering the dates of their program, there may be limitations and turnaround time on the kind of visa you will need for the countries you plan to enter and spend time in.
This can produce issues for students who wish to join multiple programs in the same year, or to pair a block away with a semester or half-semester program, or do two semester programs in two different countries. Additionally, most short-term CC faculty-led programs do not qualify for longer stay student visas, so it may not always be possible to combine block and other programs in the same year due to visa constraints. If you are considering any combination of programs in the same academic or calendar year, you should speak with Global Education to determine if you may have any visa restrictions that could produce issues for your planned combination of programs.
Simply submitting an application for semester study away (whether through CC, or to study through a partner program) is not binding. Once you submit your application through Summit, there is always a window where you will wait to see if you are accepted, and then you will have to log back in to Summit and confirm your participation, if accepted and you decide to do the program.
You must submit final confirmation to CC in Summit of your plans by May 1 for Fall semesters away or full-year abroad programs, and by December 1 for Spring semesters away. That means you need to be accepted by your program by that point and have submitted any deposit which may be required to confirm your spot.
Always pay attention to financial commitment deadlines once you have confirmed for a specific study away program; there are always dates in the agreements you sign, after which you may be financially obligated for non-refundable costs if you later decide to drop your program. Also, any commitment deposit you've paid to your partner program or university abroad, if required, are often also not refundable for a late drop after an initial commitment decision is recorded.
Do not wait to apply for admission to your partner program, even if their application deadline is much later than the internal CC deadlines!
(see links to all in the first accordion section of this page)
While it is somewhat rare, there are times when a student may feel that the ideal program for their academic interests is not one of those offered by Colorado College in our list of CC-led and Partner-led programs. For information about petitioning for a non-approved program, please see this page which outlines all of the specifics and requirements of the petition process at Colorado College.
December 1: Applications for Block 7-8 half-semester programs due
Complete the Summit applications for Block 7-8 programs (CC in China, CC in Bishkek, CC France Blocks 7-8 only, and CC Italian in Italy) by this date to receive consideration for approval.
December 1: Deadline to Confirm Spring Semester Away Participation
All students who have been accepted/approved for a spring semester away program (CC-led or Partner-led) must complete the Summit documents and confirmation process by December 1st.
March 15: Applications for all Fall Semesters and Academic Year Away due
Complete the CC Internal Application for Study Away Approval, or the application for CC TREE Semester, CC in Berlin, or CC in Latin America, by this date to receive consideration for approval. Late applications are not accepted.
May 1: Deadline to Confirm Fall Semester or Academic Year Away Participation
All students who have been approved for a fall semester or full year away program (CC-led or Partner-led) must complete the Summit documents and confirmation process by May 1st.
Come learn more about all your opportunities to plan ahead for your study abroad for a semester or yearlong program! Representatives from all our CC Semesters Away and many of our 150+ partner programs and university options will be on campus for this fair -- where will you study?!
The Center for Global Education & Field Study, CC Financial Aid, and CC Accessibility Resources will also each have a table, as well as U.S. Passport Services, for questions about any of those important areas that you may have on the administrative and support side of things as well.
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